Worship: Sunday, June 21, 2020

Worship Video: https://youtu.be/J7nN6GE7J5g


Online to In-Person Worship

We will continue to worship online through the month of June. We will return to combined in person worship on July 5th at 10:00am at First Baptist Church, Glens Falls. August will be located at Village Baptist Church in Fort Edward. More guidelines will be sent out next week. Online/Livestream services will continue to be available via Facebook.

FBC Thrift Store

The First Baptist Thrift Store will open July 1 for customers. Donations will only be accepted on Mondays (beginning on July 6) by appointment only. More information will be available next week.

Celebrating 2020 High School Graduates

            Hailie Casey (Village Baptist)- Hudson Falls High School

            Shawn Norton (Village Baptist)- Hudson Falls High School

            Michael DeSocio (First Baptist)- Queensbury High School

Prelude                                                                                                     Miriam Enman

Call to Worship (Psalm 86)                                                        from Taught by Love by Lavon Bayler                                                                                                                    

Leader: Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.

People: Guard my life, for I am faithful to you; save your servant who trusts in you.

Leader: You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord, for I call to you all day long.

People: Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.

Leader: You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.

People: Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy.

Leader: When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.

People: Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. Leader: All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.

People:For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.

Hymn                                                                                                           See A Victory

The weapon may be formed, but it won’t prosper
When the darkness falls, it won’t prevail
Cause the God I serve knows only how to triumph
My God will never fail
Oh my God will never fail Chorus

Chorus: I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to you Lord
I’m gonna see a victory
I’m gonna see a victory
For the battle belongs to you Lord
There’s power in the mighty name of Jesus
Every war He wages He will win
I’m not backing down from any giant
‘Cause I know how this story ends
Yes I know how this story ends   Chorus

You take what the enemy meant for evil
And you turn it for good
You turn it for good
You take what the enemy meant for evil
And you turn it for good
You turn it for good x2    Chorus

Prayer and Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                  

        from Creation Sings Your Praise, edited by Annabel Shilson-Thomas, Canterbury Press, 2010

God of the impossible,
We pray for justice, peace and reconciliation;
When the challenges seem too many,
Remind us of your resurrection power;
When the task seems overwhelming,
Remind us of the miracle of love;
And when apathy threatens us,
Remind us of your vision of a world made whole.
Help us to hope that the impossible can happen
And live as if it might do so today.

We pray to God, the miracle worker, who taught us to pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen

Worship in Tithes and Offerings

Special Music as Offering                                                                                                

Prayer of Dedication


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host: praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Father’s Day Prayer

Hymn                                                                   Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I’m found
Was blind, but now I see

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed Chorus

Chorus: My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love,
Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures Chorus

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine, will be forever mine
You are forever mine Chorus

Message by 2020 Graduates of Village Baptist Church

Hymn                                                                                                                    Nobody

Why You ever chose meHas always been a mystery
All my life I’ve been told I belong at the end of the line
With all the other Not-Quites
With all the Never-Get-It-Rights
But it turns out they’re the ones You’ve been looking for all this time

Chorus: ‘Cause I’m just a nobody
Trying to tell everybody
All about Somebody who saved my soul
Ever since You rescued me
You gave my heart a song to sing
I’m living for the world to see
Nobody but Jesus
I’m living for the world to see
Nobody but Jesus

Moses had stage fright
And David brought a rock to a sword fight
You picked 12 outsiders nobody would’ve chosen
And You changed the world
Well, the moral of the story is
Everybody’s got a purpose
So when I hear that devil start talking to me, saying
“Who do you think you are”
I say… Chorus

So let me go down down down in history
As another blood-bought faithful member of the family
And if they all forget my name, well, that’s fine with me
I’m living for the world to see
Nobody but Jesus Chorus

Benediction (Blessing)

Postlude                                                                                                   Miriam Enman